Moving to Chicago and Worried About Crime? Here are 3 Tips For You

Moving to Chicago and Worried About Crime It’s no secret that Chicago is known for being violent. It’s an impression that people naturally form when they see how many muggings, shootouts, and robberies happen here. Data shows that in 2023, homicides occurred at almost twice the rate when compared to other big cities like New York or Los Angeles. 

 Does that mean that all of Chicago’s residents are leaving the city en masse? No. Like it or not, crime is often part and parcel of big-city life. We can hope that the local government, by some miracle, decides to do a New York in the 90’s move, but that’s a long shot. It makes far more sense to prepare yourself, especially if you are just moving into the city. Read on to learn more. 

1. Not All Neighborhoods are Bad

We won’t lie. There are some places in this city that even cops hesitate to enter without backup. These are areas where crime is almost a daily occurrence. We’re talking about neighborhoods like West Garfield Park, Chatham, and Bridgeport. Real estate and rental prices here are often low enough that they attract new visitors to the city. 

 Moving here is obviously a bad idea, and you really ought to be doing your research. How? It’s not as tough as you might think. There are plenty of online resources and apps that allow you to track real-time crime data. In addition to looking at crime rates, also look at factors like proximity to police stations and how well-lit the streets and parks are. 

 Remember, low-income neighborhoods are going to be hotspots of crime. Even if everything looks nice during the day, it may be a different picture when the sun goes down. If, for some reason, you have to stay in such neighborhoods and something bad does happen, then the next point is for you.  

2. Don’t Hesitate in Filing Police Reports

If you end up being a victim of some crime, it’s normal to feel intimidated and hopeless about getting justice. However, make an effort to report it, no matter what the situation is. Even situations that are a little…out there, like dog bites.  

For some reason, Chicago sees a lot of dog bites, and a nine-year-old girl was attacked by an unleashed dog just last week. Many victims might fail to realize that this is a serious enough situation. It can even warrant a police report and hiring a personal injury lawyer in Chicago, IL.

 As TorHoerman Law states, insurance companies have paid out as much as $317.2 million for dog bite liability claims within a one-year period. You see, people tend to be guarded against those who appear violent, but in a city like Chicago? It can sometimes feel like every species wants to mug you.

 The key point here is that regardless of the situation, make it a point to seek justice. People feel lethargic about doing this in Chicago because they think it’s not going to make a difference. However, that’s not your burden. Filing a report for a crime often ends up protecting potential victims in the future. 

 You might have identifying information, and if the perpetrator has a history of crime, then your report might be able to put them behind bars. 

3. There’s Safety in Numbers and in the Light

It’s funny that when it comes to staying safe, even in 2024, not all that much has changed since our cave-dwelling days. The same two rules for safety still apply, and you ought to be following them in sketchy neighborhoods.

 Firstly, always avoid walking anywhere alone. You don’t have to bring a crowd of six other people. Just walking with a friend or two immediately lowers the chances of anything bad happening. If you are female, get a male friend to tag along because, in some parts, you are just going to get followed and catcalled if you’re alone. 

 This is the harsh reality of high-crime areas and it’s just something you have to accept. Do whatever you need to keep safe. If that means carrying pepper spray or other self-defense tools, then equip yourself accordingly. 

 Secondly, if you need to walk through any bad neighborhoods, try your best to do so during the day. The odds of being robbed get way higher at night and there’s no reason to be taking unnecessary risks. 


it’s true that Chicago can be a dangerous city. The statistics don’t lie, and it would be foolish to act like this is a city as safe as Greenwich, CT. That said, countless people live completely uneventful lives here, and all it takes is a little situational awareness and common sense.