E-commerce Website Security: Protecting Your Online Store

E-commerce Website Security: Protecting Your Online Store

E-commerce has developed into one of the areas of activity of the retail industry through the internet in the recent years. Services provided by different businesses allow reaching consumers who are “out there”. But together with where it is really convenient to conduct shopping, it persists a threat ‘online shopping’ threatens a consumer’s e-commerce site. Ecommerce with a good security in place is not just a technological requirement, rather is a key building block towards edifying a mantle of goodwill among the clients and rank higher on search engine. In this post, we are going to look at customer attachment to e-commerce and how we can protect our online shop.

Importance of Security in E-commerce

There is need to protect e-commerce for various reasons:

Building Customer trust: This has to do with ensuring that online customers never feel as if they are inflating the companies profile. This way, a secure site helps in retaining customers.

Safeguarding of Information: Many e-commerce websites require the credit card information, other contact details, and delivery address among other important information. Such information loss can therefore be very costly and even ruin your image as a company.

Protection by Law: Different states have laws aimed at protecting the privacy of individuals (GDPR being one of them); such laws demand that no information about customers should be given openly or will lead to heavy fines.

Business Stability: Business operations may stop due to unforeseen events of a cyberattack causing financial losses and stopping business activities. Strong security measures therefore endorses business stability.

Common Security Threats of an E-commerce Site

The very first step in securing your online shop is to learn about the types of threats it may be exposed to. These include:

Malware: Malicious software can compromise the integrity of your site, extract information from the database, or interrupt legitimate users from access services.

Phishing Attacks: Cybercriminals will masquerade as your business to trick clients into providing their details.

DDoS Attacks: The Distributed Denial of Service attacks will push down your server beyond its limits thus crippling your website to your target audience.

SQL Injection: Attackers are able to abuse the risk factors in the database that only the user should have access to.

Most Basic Security Measures on Your E-commerce Website

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates

One of the most prominent ways to install an SSL certificate in your e-commerce website. SSL transforms all data information that is exchanged between your website and any of its users so that a 3rd party cannot access that data. Additionally, Google favors sites that have security features which assist them boost their rankings.

Regular Software Upgrades

Always assure that your web site platform, plugins, and any other third party applications are current. Outdated software is usually a hacker’s field day due to known security weaknesses present. Miscellaneous downtime does nothing to help you and thus you must only do preventative maintenance upgrades of your IT systems.

Strong Password Policies

Urge your staff and your customers to create tough and different passwords. Provide for multi-factor authentication (MFA) for risk egress. This mitigates exposure for hacking and invasion of accounts.

Use a Reliable E-commerce Platform

Make a choice for a reputable e-commerce platform which is more secure. The Shampoo, WooCommerce and Magento are some of the Features are innate and updated speech timely to secure your shop.

Regular Security Audits

Establish some guidelines services offered by honest foreign service providers to secure their security twenty-four hours a day. Also, cyber security experts can be employed to conduct true penetration tests and evaluation of security credentials.

Implement a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

The WAF is a filtering layer placed between the website and the end user’s browser that is intended to block any incoming threats to the web application. It is useful for protection against DDoS, SQL injection and many other attacks.

Backup Your Data

It is also mandatory to backup the website data constantly; this is to be prepared for a service interruption in case of a security breach. Keep backups in safe places, both on the premises and off the premises.

Educate Your Team

Supervise your employees hence make them aware of security issues. This entails correct identification of phishing emails, adhering to data safety measures and being aware of the security incidents and reactions to them.

Keep an Eye on Your Site

Implement website monitoring systems to watch over the performance and security of your website. Such tools help you to react in time as they notify you about any malware, attacks or down-time.

Examine the Safety of Your Website

For an extra level of comfort, use instruments such as Check the Website Safety to evaluate the security of your website on a regular basis. This will assist in scanning for threats and also guarantee that your customers experience safe online shopping.


There is no compromise for the safety of your e-commerce site. Utilizing the laid measures and keeping abreast with the trends of the recent attacks, one can keep their virtual shop secured from the enemy. A note of wisdom: a new and safe website earns customer’s trust and loyalty as well as protects the business. As you take on the thrill of e-commerce, remember security first in order to have a fun and safe shopping experience for your customers.