The Best Dog Tracker for Rural Areas in 2024: My Experience with Leo

My parents and I live in a rural town in Arkansas. We adopted a sweet Labrador two years ago and named him Leo. He loves to get out exploring and is enthusiastic about chasing squirrels.

Sometimes we go camping or hiking in the mountains. He rarely ran far from us, so we didn’t put him on a leash.

However, during one of our hikes, Leo got lost. We didn’t care when he first left us to chase wildlife. From past experience, he would come back to us after ten minutes.

My parents and I sat down to rest and had some cookies to recharge. Half an hour later, we realized that Leo had not yet appeared near us.

I started calling out Leo’s name but to no avail. I asked my mom to wait for Leo at the spot, while my dad and I separated to look for him. It was a clueless search because I didn’t know in which direction he had run.

I was extremely anxious while searching, worried that something bad might have happened to Leo. Fortunately, after an hour, my dad found Leo at the bottom of the hill. His paw was tangled in some vines, and he couldn’t free himself to come back to us.

This experience made us realize that we absolutely need to get a dog tracker for Leo. If something like this happens again, we won’t have to search for him blindly.

We have poor cellular signal near our home and often go hiking or camping in the countryside. So, on the recommendation of an online friend, I purchased the Aorkuler dog GPS tracker, it doesn’t require cellular and no monthly subscription fee for me.

I tested its location function after receiving it. When the GPS connection was unstable, it took a minute or two to see Leo’s location on the controller. 

But once the connection stabilized, I could see Leo’s position change in real-time on the controller’s screen. Moreover, it has the option on the controller menu to choose whether to turn on the sound or the night flash. I can use them to find Leo in my vicinity.

After using the Aorkuler dog tracker for a while, I left it. I thought it would protect Leo who likes to go exploring.

Some time ago when Aorkuler launched a new product, I purchased their Aorkuler dog GPS tracker 2 at a discounted price.

I received the Aorkuler dog tracker 2 last week. Visually, it does not look different from the first generation. I read the manual for the second generation and then took Leo to test the differences between the two products.

The Aorkuler 2’s tracker does not need to be secured to the top of a dog’s neck. I was able to attach it to Leo’s collar as I pleased. I don’t have to adjust the position of the tracker all the time when I take him out to play.

The Aorkuler 2’s GPS updates very quickly and soon I could see Leo’s position change on the controller’s screen. 

Moreover, when I used to take Leo out hiking, the first generation’s battery life depleted quickly and I needed to charge it frequently. But the Aorkuler 2 doesn’t require me to charge it as often.

Generally speaking, the Aorkuler dog tracker 2 is better in every way compared to the first generation. I think it is the best dog tracker for rural areas.

If you’re like me in a rural area and want to keep your dog safe, I recommend you try the Aorkuler dog tracker 2.